Gordy Gritters
Gordy Gritters
Gordy Gritters is a full-time professional gunsmith who has been gunsmithing since 1987. His business was inPella, Iowa from 1987 until he moved his shop to Kansas City, MO in 2011. He has no settled in Florida. Gordy has done a lot of general gunsmithing, repairs, refinishing, and rebluing over the years, but his primary focus all these years has been on accurizing factory rifles and building extremely accurate custom rifles.
Gordy got involved in competitive benchrest shooting soon after beginning his gunsmithing career.
Gordy has built rifles that have set many club, state, national, and world records, and that have won numerous State, Regional and National Championships in a number of disciplines, including 1000 Yard Benchrest and F-Class competition.
Gritters helped Grizzly Industrial design their line of Gunsmith’s Lathes, which are designed for chambering high-accuracy rifle barrels. He then worked with Grizzly to produce an instructional DVD called “Chambering a Championship Match Barrel” to show how to use his chambering techniques.
His most recent project is developing the “Extreme Accuracy Series” of instructional precision gunsmithing DVD’s to help others learn the fine art of building and accurizing rifles. These DVD’s are available through his website, as well as through other vendors in the US. See what Gordy is doing today: https://www.gordysprecision.com
Gordy was frequently one of the featured speakers at the Varmint Hunter Jamboree symposiums, and has written numerous technical articles that have been published in Varmint Hunter Magazine over the years. He has some of these articles posted on his website under the “Published Articles” tab. Gordy has been on Varmint Hunter Magazine’s “Gunsmith Advisory Panel” since the mid-1990’s, and has helped many people over the years with all aspects of their gunsmith training, questions, or problems since then. He has been instrumental in helping a lot of new gunsmiths around the world set up shop and start their own businesses.
He has taught NRA summer gunsmithing classes for three years at Murray State College in Oklahoma. These classes were in precision rifle smithing with an emphasis on accurizing AR-15 type rifles. He now teaches precision rifle-building and accurizing classes several times a year in his shop in Kansas City, as well as being available for teaching private classes at other shops around the country. All his classes and instructional DVD’s are geared toward both do-it-yourselfers and professional gunsmiths.